How to find Employment in the Blockchain, Web3, Cryptocurrency, and Digital assets space

Get your dream job blockchain, web3, cryptocurrency, and digital assets

I spent a long time trying to find my place in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.  Because I am not a developer, I personally found it hard to transition from traditional business to this new paradigm.   And I know, many of you out there are feeling the same. And I bet many of you, just like me, tried trading and weren’t very successful.

 I faced questions like how can I apply my skills to this industry? what new skills should I learn?  should I try to get a job in one of these new tech companies? or should I go it alone? And maybe you are facing these questions too.

So, with that in mind, this is the first in a series of Career Transition Opportunity articles I intend on publishing.  The aim of this series is to share opportunities I come across on my journey that might help you make the connections, get started & find work that suits you in the blockchain, web3, and digital assets space.

Skills Shortage & hiring conundrum in Blockchain, Web3, and cryptocurrency

According to Linkedin “Job postings with titles containing terms like “bitcoin,” “ethereum,” “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” grew 395% in the U.S. from 2020 to 2021, outpacing the wider tech industry — which saw a 98% increase in listings during the same time period.

A quick search of Google will bring up a list of other reports on the skills shortages in this industry.

The most prominent roles currently in this space are Developer roles.  Remember, this industry is in its infancy.  Many blockchains are still on testnet and we still don’t have that killer app attracting hundreds of millions of users.  There is no point in marketing a product that is not ready, a product that can not scale, or a product with security issues.

It is also worth remembering, many blockchains are nothing more than a layer for apps and services to be built on.  So, the business development focus for these layers is developers. I have always said blockchains are a developer’s playground, but I would also argue that idea thinkers, change-makers, and entrepreneurs should be part of this early-stage business development plan as it is not always developers that come up with the ideas.  And this is the hiring conundrum blockchain layers face.  Current efforts and resources are focused on technology, yet these technology companies need other skills to attract a mix of talented people.

That being said, there are more and more non-developer roles coming onto the market.

Traditional Jobs in Blockchain, Web3, and Digital assets space

If you have been around the blockchain and cryptocurrency space for a while you will know there are traditional business organizations running Blockchain, web3, and digital asset businesses.  And there are also non-traditional organizations such as those looking to be more open and transparent, stretching as far as Decentralised Autonomous Organisations.  Each of these offers great career opportunities but are rather different in their operations and how you can get work with them.

As apps and services begin to emerge, the organizations behind them need to fill traditional roles in departments like Finance, Marketing, Business Development. The skill required for these roles is fully transferable from traditional businesses to the blockchain space. 

Blockchain, web3, and digital asset companies are tech companies.  Very simple.  What’s exciting is that they are at the cutting edge of innovation and working with one of these organizations will often give you the best foot in the door.  It will allow you to grow your confidence in the space while showing off your skills and talents.  Salaries are also highly competitive, and as many of these organizations are early-stage companies, they are fast-paced and opportunities for progression are rife.

A major shift in recruitment trends, which was down to the pandemic, is the move to remote work.  Like many traditional businesses, organizations in the blockchain, web3, and digital assets space are open to remote work and not location-specific.  This decentralization of workspace allows people to consider roles that were previously not possible. But keep in mind, it also gives the hiring organization more access to talent outside of their traditional regional constraints.

From looking at many job specifications out there using the keywords Blockchain or Cryptocurrency what stands out from them all is the want to find people with a passion for the industry and a good knowledge of this industry is preferable.

Where to find traditional jobs in this exciting and innovative space?

Traditional jobs are found in traditional places. LinkedIn search for jobs in blockchain, web3, or cryptocurrency will return plenty of jobs. recruitment website also seems a popular place for organizations in this space to post their roles.

You can also apply directly to an organization in this space.  Many of them have a career section on their website, showing current roles available.

If you are a student, you can become an intern, this is a great way to start a career.

Knowing some volunteers that were headhunted after a conference, you cannot overlook conferences and summits as an amazing way to secure a role in this sector.  And yes, you can volunteer at many of these. This is an opportunity to make great connections, show off some of your skills, and grab some free swag. 

Next Article

In the next article in this series, we are going to focus on working in this sector as a freelancer.  These types of roles are more suited to those looking for something a little less traditional, maybe something as a side hustle, or as a way to build a reputation in this space.

How we can help you

Sign up for our 18-week Expert track in Blockchain, Web3, and Digital Assets and gain the skills you need to secure a job in this new paradigm.


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