🚀 Stacks Ecosystem Exploring Exciting Airdrops 🌐

🚀 Explore hot Stacks projects & grab airdrop opportunities! Don't miss out! 🔥 #StacksEcosystem #CryptoAirdrops

The Stacks ecosystem has been on an impressive upward trajectory over the past year, attracting attention, new projects, and increased liquidity to the blockchain. As the market cap climbs, so do the opportunities for crypto enthusiasts. In this article, we'll delve into some noteworthy projects on Stacks, upcoming airdrops, and how you can get involved. But before we dive in, let's briefly understand what Stacks is all about.

Understanding Stacks: A Primer

Stacks operates as a layer that facilitates smart contracts with Bitcoin finality. Think of it as similar to Polygon on Ethereum but with its own unique features. It's crucial to grasp the workings of Stacks and the stacking process before venturing into DeFi projects on this blockchain. A quick Google search can provide ample resources to get you started.

One Final thing, this is not Financial Advice, im just sharing with you what I am doing and sharing the information I have. DYOR!!!

Now, let's explore some of the exciting projects and opportunities within the Stacks ecosystem:

1. StackingDAO: Enhancing Liquidity

Liquidity for stacked tokens on Stacks takes center stage with StackingDAO. This platform offers Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSDs), enabling users to stake and secure the network while receiving a liquid token in return. For instance, by staking STX, you'll earn stSTX tokens with a current yield of over 6%. Unlike traditional staking methods, StackingDAO allows for seamless swapping between stSTX and STX without worrying about lengthy unstacking periods. Plus, there's an upcoming airdrop for which you can earn points by staking STX. Explore StackingDAO

Airdrop tasks for StackingDAO

There is currently a points system, suggesting that an airdrop may happen. Points are allocated based on how much STX you have staked and on referrals. If you want to be in on this airdrop, stake some STX, and get Liquid stSTX back, which we will use in the next protocol.

2. Bitflow Finance: Automated Market Making

Bitflow Finance serves as an Automated Market Maker (AMM), facilitating smooth swaps of pegged tokens with minimal slippage. Providing liquidity to Bitflow's pools comes at a cost of 0.05%, but the potential returns are enticing. Keep an eye out for their upcoming Bridge and permissionless borrowing features. Discover Bitflow Finance. You can read their full documentation here 

Airdrop tasks for Bitflow.

Points are awarded for those providing Liquidity on Bitflow. You can also carry out tasks on Zealy to earn more points.

Using the stSTX which we obtained from StackingDAO, add this to the stSTX/STX pool and then put the LP tokens into the farm.

3. Velar: Swap, Liquidity Protocol, and Launchpad

Velar offers a comprehensive suite of services including swapping, liquidity provision, and a Launchpad (currently on the roadmap). With an ongoing airdrop, users can participate by engaging in various tasks such as swapping testnet STX for Velar and staking them. Transactions may take time due to the nature of the Bitcoin blockchain, so patience is key. You can read more about the project in their documentation 

Airdrop tasks for Velar.

5% of the tokens have been allocated for an airdrop. Get some testnet STX from the faucet . You can claim every 24 hours. Using the swap, get your self some Velar and then stake it.

When you claim the testnet stacks the second time, swap half of it to sBTC. Then add this to the pool wSTX/sBTC pool. Once this is done, go to the wSTX/sBTC pool and stake your liquidity pool tokens.

On the third day, claim your testnet tokens, and this time swap half for Velar. You are going to add this to the wSTX/Valar pool, and then also stake the pool tokens in the farm.

Repeat the cycle until the mainnet launch.

Just remember, transactions take time, Bitcoin is not the fastest blockchain in the world, so you might be waiting half an hour between transactions.

4. ALEX Labs: Diverse Offerings

Alex has lots going on. Its token is $ALEX is the main token, however they are splitting out its business units with different tokens.

Now, you can use Alex as a general swap for tokens on Stacks. They also have a BRC20 orderbook DEX, a Launchpad, Farming, Staking, a Lottery, and a Bridge. They did an airdrop in 2023 for $BR20, their token used in conjunction with their orderbook DEX. And, they have just voted to split out the Bridge too Xlink which is their bridging facility between Stacks, Bitcoin, Ethereum and the Binance Smart Chain(BSC). And, yes there is more, they will soon be launching Lisa to allow for Liquid Staking.

Farming on Alex has great returns, there is currently over 30% on STX/BTC pairs paid out in the ALEX token, but I am not aware of airdrop points for liquidity providers, but I could be wrong and I will update if I find out more.

Airdrop tasks for XLINK and Lisa

XLink is on a points system and currently in Beta on the mainnet. You can earn point for bridging BRC20 tokens or Bitcoin from Bitcoin to Stacks or from Stacks to Bitcoin. You can also earn points for bridging USDT, LUNA or wBTC to or from Ethereum or BSC and Stacks.

To claim the airdrop, it is useful to bridge USDT or WBTC as these can be used in other defi protocols and swaps.

XLink are also running a Zealy Campeign for addational points.  Just like Bitflow, these are important to do and you can join the campeign here

For Lisa, an airdrop is also expected for those holding and staking ALEX. Staking ALEX is rather simple. With the USDT you bridged over on XLINK, using the ALEX swap, buy some atALEXv2. This is the staked version of ALEX, and it can be swapped back to ALEX or USDT at any stage. There is no need to go through the process of buying ALEX and adding ALEX to a pool, as you can just buy the atALEX version. Once you own atALEX, on the staking tab you will see your staking rewards accumulate.

There may be future steps announced regarding this airdrop and we will update this post accordingly, so do check back.

5. Nakamojo │ STX20

Nakamojo STX20 is a marketplace for STX20 tokens where you can explore, inscribe and sell STX20 tokens (Just like BRC20 but on Stacks)

STX20 also have a points system in place, however in a tweet on the 22nd Feb they said they will be doing an airdrop for those holding DIKO or stDIKO and complete a form.  The form is simple, you just need to add your STX address.  Go check out the tweet now!


In conclusion, the Stacks ecosystem is buzzing with innovation and opportunities. From projects offering liquidity solutions to those simplifying smart contract deployment, there's something for everyone. Plus, with exciting airdrop opportunities on the horizon, now is the perfect time to dive in and explore the potential of Stacks.

Next week I am going to cover some more about Stacks, the nakamoto relase and other applications you can use. 

Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's ride the wave of crypto innovation together! 🚀🌐 #StacksEcosystem #CryptoInnovation #AirdropOpportunities

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