Time-Sensitive Airdrop - Manta Network: New Paradigm

Time Sensitive. Instructions to claim the manta network new paradigm airdrop

In the fast-evolving realm of web3, where privacy and innovation collide, Manta Network emerges as a beacon of change. Offering developers a groundbreaking platform to create zero-knowledge (ZK)-enabled applications on Ethereum, Manta Network introduces Manta Pacific. These developments promise low fees, high scalability, and an array of developer-friendly features, marking a significant leap forward in the decentralized ecosystem.

Understanding the Manta Network

Zero-knowledge (ZK) cryptography, a technique allowing users to prove something without revealing details, lies at the heart of Manta Network. Manta Pacific, the platform's scalable and secure EVM-equivalent ZK-application platform underscore Manta Network's commitment to advancing the possibilities of decentralized applications (dApps).

For a deeper dive into Manta Network, explore their website and peruse their technical resources.

Enter New Paradigm: A Gateway to the Future

New Paradigm, a strategic campaign initiated by Manta Network, introduces a privacy-focused web3 platform. Designed to usher in the next generation of web3 users and applications, New Paradigm enables users to deposit ETH or USDC tokens, earning yield and rewards in the form of STONE, wUSDM, and MANTA tokens, along with exclusive NFTs.

The campaign promises higher yields than traditional mechanisms by leveraging the composability and ecosystem of Manta Pacific, the first Ethereum Layer 2 on Celestia.

Time-Sensitive Airdrop: Unlocking Wealth in 2024

What makes New Paradigm even more enticing is the time-sensitive airdrop opportunity it presents. Running until January 2024, the airdrop allows users to deposit ETH or USDC, locking in tokens for a chance to claim MANTA token rewards.

The airdrop operates on a unique mechanism: after 69 days of MANTA token rewards distribution, participants can withdraw their ETH and USDC back from STONE and wUSDM. 

Navigating the Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before diving into the New Paradigm airdrop, it's essential to understand the process. Start by bridging and depositing ETH or USDC to earn yield and Box Pieces. The deposit period is open until January 2024. Remember, these tokens are then locked until the airdrop concludes.

Within 24 hours of depositing ETH or USDC you will receive STONE and wUSDM on Manta Pacific Layer 2. Both STONE and wUSDM can be staked to earn additional yield. However, to stake these tokens, ensure you have ETH for gas fees in your wallet. The paradigm bridge locks any ETH you transfer. This means you need to use a second bridge for gas fees. Platforms like Orbiter Finance can facilitate this.

After the 69-day period, you can withdraw ETH and USDC, by redeeming the STONE and wUSDM

For staking of STONE and wUSDM, options like Izumi Finance provide a user-friendly interface, but alternative platforms are available.

Connecting with MetaMask: Adding Manta Network

To seamlessly engage with New Paradigm and Manta Pacific, add the Manta Network to your MetaMask wallet. Visit the ChainList website, connect your MetaMask wallet, search for 'Manta,' and select 'Add to MetaMask.' Follow the prompts on your MetaMask wallet to ensure a secure connection.

Urgency Alert: A Limited Number of Invite Codes

Act fast! New Paradigm currently offers a limited number of invite codes to join the airdrop. I only have seven codes that remain available at the moment. Please refrain from using them unless you are committed to utilizing the bridge. Once these codes are exhausted, more will be provided, and the post will be updated accordingly.

Claim Your Airdrop Now: Time Is of the Essence

In the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized finance, opportunities like the New Paradigm airdrop don't come often. As the clock ticks towards January 2024, the urgency to claim your share grows.

Remember, this article serves as an educational guide and emphasizes the importance of conducting thorough research before making any financial decisions. The web3 space is dynamic, and staying informed is key to unlocking its full potential.

Secure your spot in the New Paradigm airdrop and join the Manta Network revolution. Your future in web3 awaits – claim it now!

Important Invite Code Links:

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